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Writer's pictureMakerneer

It was the Best of Times; It was the not so Best of Times

Updated: May 30, 2024

Addressing Murphy's Elephant right off the bat here - Things certainly are... "Interesting" these days aren't they?

On the Best of Times End of things this week:

My Steel Wheel Fire Pit write-up is featured on the Instructables home page! This is my first homepage featured article so I'm pretty stoked!


I hit 250 followers on Instagram! I know that's not a huge number, but it's a significant milestone for me!

And And

I have been contacted about making masks, I am working on 3D printed masks, 3D printed visors and fabric masks. I am happy to have an opportunity to help, but like all good things there's more too it than meets the eye. More info will be provided on that once I have a better handle on things. Stay tuned!

Check it out!

(PS - There's 3 days left if you want to enter the Instructables Trash to Treasure contest!)


On the Not so Best of Times note:

That Murphy dude is still at it, this crazy covid virus is certainly changing our world.

I hear the phrase "our new normal" being thrown around a lot. I don't know what that means yet, but I do know our "Normal" is certainly evolving. For me, the stay at home/shelter in place order in my state has now been extended through May 4th. (Sorry, I can't help but think May the 4th be with you! when I see that date.)

On the upside, I guess that means I'll have no excuses for not getting around to organizing the garage...

On the downside, business operations are... different. I've already had a few events canceled and it's weird not being able to meet new people for coffee. As of now, my online shops are still open and shipping as allowed.

Your support and engagement is much appreciated, clicking the links and ads in my blog would be a huge favor if you have time. Like this Amazon affiliate link to the wireless phone charger I use everyday! Nothing changes on your end, but I get a small referral fee.

Oh, yeah, about the cover pic. I ran out of "adult malt beverage." But I'm just about finished carbonating the last batch I made so all will be right again soon!

Also, as mentioned I'm doing a lot of organizing. If you are also taking this "opportunity" to organize, please consider clicking below to save some money on your organizing supplies from Home Depot!

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