Wanna Hangout? Here's where to find us for 2024!
Here's the list as it stands today! 9/15/24 - Alger Sunday Market - https://www.facebook.com/AlgerSundayMarket 9/22/24 - Alger Sunday...
Wanna Hangout? Here's where to find us for 2024!
Reason #742 why I ❤ 3D Printing!
Partners and Affiliates - 2024!
Why can't we just buy the piece that's broken?!?
Here's your Sign 😁
From Rendering to Reality!
Still got Love for the OG - My first 3D printer gets an upgrade
I just got Click-baited... By Glowforge...
New Year, New Thingamajigy!
Affiliate Link Notice 2023!
Updates (sort of..) + Why the shop is currently offline
Thingamajig Thursday! - Eufy S11 Stick Vac Spare Battery Holder
Affiliate Link Notice for 2022
CNC & Laser is like PB & J!
Fix it, Fix it good! Dunna-nunna-nuh!
Exciting news - Empire Abrasives is now a sponsor!!!
Ol' Flashy gets a new bed!
Affiliate Link Notice for 2021
2021 #WipeItClean